Monday, September 13, 2010

Tenth Amendment

1)         Source: Reading tea party leaves on marriage By FRANK CANNON | 9/8/10 11:23 AM EDT Updated: 9/8/10 11:48 AM EDT
2)       Constitutional Connection: Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
3)       Explanation of Connection:
       The Republican political maestros, who don’t except social concepts, take in ideas like same-sex marriage. It is as if people reacted to Ken Mehlman’s “coming out” and pronouncing his homosexuality was graceful. He stated a sincere apology for not being a traditional person who intended on having a traditional wedding. He was the former Republican National Committee chairman and campaign manager for George W. Bush. Mehlman was greeted with cheers and delightful comments.
It can be hard fighting for things you believe in, such as gay marriages. Political evidence past renders the advice of men like Mehlman and Schmidt not only suspect but thoughtlessly bold! The first state to vote for language in its constitution to protect man-woman marriage was Hawaii. Schmidt was very clever in how he handled this situation. A 2008 presidential campaign that displayed the differences between the McCain and the Barack Obama on social issues, including marriage, was produced. Traditional marriage was showed to be popular in Los Angeles County.
This amendment gives us rights to social issues. It gives us powers, not defined in the federal constitution, such as marriage, divorce, and abortion. These powers might be hard to defend, but we have them. Society might be worst of without this amendment. The government would feel more like a dictatorship, and that isn’t what we as citizens would prefer. We are given sovereignty (some type of control over our lives) and the tenth amendment is proof of that.

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