Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eight Amendment

1)         Source: Is this `cruel and unusual'? December 20, 2006|By Cal Thomas

2)       Constitutional Connection: Amendment 8 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
3)       Connection Explanation: This article makes you really think about what the founding fathers really thought of when they wrote the Eight Amendment .Is there a difference of how we perceive it and their meaning? Is abortion more cruel and unusual than execution? Is the execution of the mental retard different from a minor under the age of eighteen? The Eight Amendment was written to protect every citizen from cruel and unusual punishment no matters how severe it may or may not be.
This was a case of a man that was executed. The execution took longer than expected so they had to give him another injection. This act was thought to violate the Eight Amendment. According to the Eight Amendment no one should receive cruel and unusual punishment. When do we know when something is truly going against a part of the constitution?
I think that this was cruel and unusual. It’s like killing someone while they are awake. Yes, they have done numerous acts that should not be tolerated, but should we let people die like that? I agree that Anti-death Penalty forces would like us to believe that this is cruel, which it is. When you think about it is it worse than abortion? Any type of cruel and unusual punishment is just that, cruel and unusual. I agree with Cal Thomas, “…why not return to an earlier and acceptable method of execution that ensures justice is done and inflicts minimal pain on the guilty…”

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