Thursday, September 9, 2010

Legislative Branch

1) Source: Notes on the filibuster .September 3, 2010; 9:30 AM ET
2) Constitutional Connection: Article I, the Legislative Branch, Section 18, Clause 14
3) To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof
4) Explanation of Connection:
Laws are constantly being passed and bills are being made left and right. This article points out the disadvantage of filibuster and how it can hold back the legislative process. There is a section where bills are being thought of and debated to be passed and made into laws. Filibuster isn’t protecting the debates and it isn’t bipartisan. The legislative branch is constantly debating and moving in present day.
This article shows how the Senate is constantly debating on bills. According to Article 1, the Legislative Branch, Section 8, Clause 14 of the United States Constitution, the Legislative Branch is given the power to make rules for the Government of the Land. Without filibuster, some of the landmark bills, such as the stimulus act, would have been passed faster. In this article, the authors’ views of filibuster in today’s world are demonstrated. Filibuster is when a member of a legislative assembly tries uses an irrelevant, long speech in attempt to prevent an action that is being debated.
Filibuster is being used the wrong way, but a world without it might not be the best thing. Personally, I nevver knew that filibuster exsisted. It's hard to believe, but it does. Minorities should get this power but not to the exent given. If filibuster was used in a more fair gesture than I couldn’t really see a problem. The legislative branch has an effect on group ages. It is important to keep up with politics because these laws have an impact on how we live our daily lives. The Senate isn’t completely broken, but changes need to be made. The two parties clash because of some unfit rules. Without the legislative branch, there would be no hope of problem like that getting addressed.Filibuster can be corrected if enough memebers on Senate would just vote.

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